
Gramps ID E7652
Date before 1625-07-10

Source References

  1. Waters: Will of Henry Timberlake [S0034]
      • Transcript:

        HENRY TIMBERLAKE of Chillings in the parish of Tichfield in the county of Southampton, gent., 10 July 1625, proved 13 May 1626. To Thomas Timberlake, my eldest son, all such lands or parts of lands as I now am, or at any time hereafter, during my life, shall be, seized in the Somer Islands or Virginia, in the parts beyond the seas. To said son Thomas a parcel of land, with a tenament thereon erected, called Hobbs or Madames Land, lying in Barking, Essex. To my youngest son Henry Timberlake a cottage and parcel of land in Prickellwell, Essex, and two cottages in Lambeth Marsh near London. And as touching my goods and chatells, personalestate and adventures beyond the seas, &c. &c. I am now indebted unto divers persons in divers great sums of money, for most of which debts my good friend Arthur Bromfielde, Esq. doth stand bound. My daughter Sara now the wife of Timothy Blier of Tichfield clerk. My daughter Hester now the wife of Thomas Williams, and Thomas Michell and Judith Michell, two of her children now living with her. Tenaments in London which I hold by lease. My grandchildren John and William Michell. Jeremy Burrowes and Katherine his wife, my sister. Said sister's daughter Rebecca now the wife of Ralph Radford. Her sons Henry Burrowes and Michael Burrowes. To my godson Arthur Bromfield ten pounds. The company of Brown Bakers in London whereof I have been a member. Loving friends Arthur Bromfield and Mary his wife and Elizabeth his daughter, William Beeston, gentleman, and my kinsman Jasper Dartnoll and his wife. Kinsman John Carter and Richard Walker. Wife Margaret and William Styant of the Inner Temple, gent. executors. Hele, 63.